Holy design
this place in time
that I might seek and find my God
my God
Lord, I want to yearn for You
I want to burn with passion
over You
and only You
Lord, I want to yearn
Your joy is mine
yet why am I fine
with all my singing and bringing grain
in light of Him
oh You give life and breath
in You we live and move
that's why I sing
(Shane & Shane, Yearn)
Acts 17:25-28
Human hands can’t serve His needs - for He has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and He satisfies every need. From one man He created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and He determined their boundaries. “His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward Him and find Him - though He is not far from any one of us. For in Him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring.’
Hebrews 12:28-29
Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a devouring fire.